Red River Gorge Farmers Market
Red River Gorge Farmers Market is a regional market that provides a variety of farm and artisan products to its customers. The Red River Gorge Farmers Market is located off Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway Exit #33. It is located directly in front of the Slade Welcome Center and shares a parking lot with the Junior Williamson Rest Area.
Red River Gorge Farmers Market Served 31 Small Businesses
In 2021, the Red River Gorge Farmers Market served 31 small businesses. These small businesses ranged from twelve different counties in Kentucky selling items ranging from farm fresh produce to artisan crafts and souvenirs. From May through October, make Red River Gorge Farmers Market a part of your trip or commute and pick up a variety of local items. Find out more about Red River Gorge Farmers Market here.